In line with youth clubs and organisations across the country, we are very sad to announce that The Shewsy closed its doors from Friday 20th March when schools were closed and the restrictions on social gatherings were announced in response to the ongoing Covid 19 crisis.
For all our junior and senior club members, and indeed everyone in our community in Everton, we are still here for you so please stay in touch on our social media channels…. 14:18:032020-04-28 14:29:22Shewsy memories in song
Chair of Management Committee, John Hutchison writes:
As we look back over the last year, I want to start by thanking you. Your kindness and support has made such a difference to us.
For part of the last year, much of the club building has been surrounded by scaffolding as we progressed our urgent roof works. It was a gift; a gift from an old club member who looks back on his time in the club with gratitude.
Our first venture into the recent Big Give Christmas appeal produced a multitude of gifts, big and small in the form of donations and pledged financial support.
Several retail giants have recently produced a variety of goods gifted to the club’s programme and refurbishment of our building.
Some of you uphold us in your thoughts and prayers.
We have a team of volunteers who offer their time freely in club, night in night out.
Many of you have standing orders with the club that make up the bedrock of our donated income.
And in days when it is rare to find any strength in the management of youth clubs, our Board of Management can and does draw on the skills and work from a team of fifteen.
To quote from a recent letter from our Mayor in Liverpool
Shrewsbury House has been at the very heart of the Everton community for generations; changing people’s lives, inspiring our children and young people and giving them a place to feel supported and safe. Celebrating 116 years is testament to your outstanding work and I hope you all know how grateful I am, as is the whole City Council, for all you do. I know this is a challenging time and I want to thank you for all you are doing in difficult circumstances.
The Shewsy club is a special place and widely acknowledged as such. Please find out about our activities this year in our latest Annual Report. 14:46:002020-04-28 14:47:24Looking back at the year
We’re delighted to report that we raised £12,200 in a record breaking Big Give Christmas Challenge!
Together with almost other 600 charities we would like to thank supporters who donated through the UK’s biggest match funding campaign, The Big Give’s Christmas Challenge 2019. The Big Give’s record-breaking campaign in early December, generated over £15 million in vital funding for good causes across the country, matching donations pound for pound until the funding pot was empty.
Through this year’s Christmas Challenge, the Shewsy raised £12,200 in just 7 days to fund additional part time youth worker posts in 2020.
Chair, John Hutchison said “This was a great effort by our amazing supporters who value the incredible work that the club does and who back that with donations large and small. We are very grateful to each and every one of them. We also want to sincerely thank our match funders, The Four Acre Trust. Our children and young people will benefit further by enjoying a better ratio with our part time staff able to take a closer interest in their every need and offering support, guidance, challenge and fun. Thank you.”
This year we are taking part in The Big Give Christmas Challenge to raise essential money for staff salaries. We have just ONE WEEK to raise as many donations to the Shewsy as we can up to £3,700 – ALL of which will be doubled by The Big Give!
The Big Give Christmas Challenge takes place from 12 noon on Tuesday 3rd December and you can make donations up to 12 noon on Tuesday 10th December (when the donation button link is removed). The vital work of the Shewsy is as important as ever it was and we are appealing to you all to give what you can right now, in order to support the salary costs of our staff!
We will only get match funding for any donations made during that week, but if you want to make a donation outside of these times, you still can! Go to our Get Involvedpage for further options or get in touch with us for further information.
The Club is flourishing with as many attending each week as we have had since the 1980’s. The need is as great as it ever was and we are helping many, many children and young people flourish in often extremely difficult situations.
PLEASE HELP grow the Shewsy’s crucial work. Perhaps you were once that child or young person and are grateful to the Shewsy for what it gave you back then. Please put something back in to your Club. 13:47:292020-10-22 11:30:35The Big Give Christmas Challenge – can YOU help?
It has been a pleasure to have intern Chad usher with us for the past couple of months. Chad left Shrewsbury school in the summer and goes on to Sandhurst next September. His placement has been funded by the Old Salopian club and it has been great to see him grow in confidence during his short stay here.
Both the staff and young people have loved having him here and he has proved to be a very strong addition to the staff team. Chad will be greatly missed when he finishes at the end of the month and the door will always be open for him at the Shewsy. Jac, also from the school will start his internship with us in January and has some pretty big boots to fill.
Also thankyou to Zainab from Shewsy school who spent a couple of weeks volunteering during the half term. She left this message…..“Just wanted to say thank you so much for having me in half-term. It was an absolute delight and I learned so much from everyone. I felt welcomed and taken care of as usual so thank you again for that. I also got to know the club members a lot better which made leaving the Shewsy even harder, but I hope I can visit again sooner rather than later”
Covid-19 update
/in Frontpage Article, News /by shadmin99In line with youth clubs and organisations across the country, we are very sad to announce that The Shewsy closed its doors from Friday 20th March when schools were closed and the restrictions on social gatherings were announced in response to the ongoing Covid 19 crisis.
For all our junior and senior club members, and indeed everyone in our community in Everton, we are still here for you so please stay in touch on our social media channels….
Keep safe.
Shewsy memories in song
/in Frontpage Article, News /by shadmin99Looking back at the year
/in Frontpage Article, News /by shadmin99Chair of Management Committee, John Hutchison writes:
As we look back over the last year, I want to start by thanking you. Your kindness and support has made such a difference to us.
To quote from a recent letter from our Mayor in Liverpool
The Shewsy club is a special place and widely acknowledged as such. Please find out about our activities this year in our latest Annual Report.
Thank You!
/in Frontpage Article, News /by shadmin99We’re delighted to report that we raised £12,200 in a record breaking Big Give Christmas Challenge!
Together with almost other 600 charities we would like to thank supporters who donated through the UK’s biggest match funding campaign, The Big Give’s Christmas Challenge 2019. The Big Give’s record-breaking campaign in early December, generated over £15 million in vital funding for good causes across the country, matching donations pound for pound until the funding pot was empty.
Through this year’s Christmas Challenge, the Shewsy raised £12,200 in just 7 days to fund additional part time youth worker posts in 2020.
Chair, John Hutchison said “This was a great effort by our amazing supporters who value the incredible work that the club does and who back that with donations large and small. We are very grateful to each and every one of them. We also want to sincerely thank our match funders, The Four Acre Trust. Our children and young people will benefit further by enjoying a better ratio with our part time staff able to take a closer interest in their every need and offering support, guidance, challenge and fun. Thank you.”
To find out more, visit
The Big Give Christmas Challenge – can YOU help?
/in Frontpage Article, News /by shadmin99The Big Give Christmas Challenge takes place from 12 noon on Tuesday 3rd December and you can make donations up to 12 noon on Tuesday 10th December (when the donation button link is removed). The vital work of the Shewsy is as important as ever it was and we are appealing to you all to give what you can right now, in order to support the salary costs of our staff!
We will only get match funding for any donations made during that week, but if you want to make a donation outside of these times, you still can! Go to our Get Involved page for further options or get in touch with us for further information.
The Club is flourishing with as many attending each week as we have had since the 1980’s. The need is as great as it ever was and we are helping many, many children and young people flourish in often extremely difficult situations.
PLEASE HELP grow the Shewsy’s crucial work. Perhaps you were once that child or young person and are grateful to the Shewsy for what it gave you back then. Please put something back in to your Club.
DONATE here NOW, thank you!
Volunteer thanks
/in Frontpage Article, News /by shadmin99It has been a pleasure to have intern Chad usher with us for the past couple of months. Chad left Shrewsbury school in the summer and goes on to Sandhurst next September. His placement has been funded by the Old Salopian club and it has been great to see him grow in confidence during his short stay here.
Both the staff and young people have loved having him here and he has proved to be a very strong addition to the staff team. Chad will be greatly missed when he finishes at the end of the month and the door will always be open for him at the Shewsy. Jac, also from the school will start his internship with us in January and has some pretty big boots to fill.
Also thankyou to Zainab from Shewsy school who spent a couple of weeks volunteering during the half term. She left this message…..“Just wanted to say thank you so much for having me in half-term. It was an absolute delight and I learned so much from everyone. I felt welcomed and taken care of as usual so thank you again for that. I also got to know the club members a lot better which made leaving the Shewsy even harder, but I hope I can visit again sooner rather than later”