Your support is vital to us.
Supporting us can take many forms – from making a donation or running fundraising activities, to actively volunteering.

The Shewsy relies heavily on donations and other funds it raises. Once able to fund about 50% of the Club’s funds, Liverpool City Council is now able to contribute only about 10% of the annual costs of the Club.
There are several ways to donate:
- Fill in a Standing Order form and send it to us
- Fill in a Gift Aid form and send it to us
- Send us a cheque – made payable to ‘Shrewsbury House’
- Donate via Virgin Money Giving
We depend on many people to raise the funds to keep the centre open. Many of these are local people but we are also grateful to hundreds of well wishers and financial supporters all across this country and indeed from many parts of the world.
If you are interested in fundraising for us or running a specific fundraising event, do get in touch.
The work of the Shewsy is dependent on volunteers. This volunteering takes many forms – from ex club members helping in Senior Club, to parents of young children supporting Junior Club activities, to ex helpers getting back involved and contributing specific skills.
If you could help us by volunteering, please get in touch today!