The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023
Between Tuesday 28th November and Tuesday 5th December, the Shewsy will once again be participating in the Big Give Christmas Challenge.
This year, we are targeting £100,000 to support the Club’s work in a community hit so hard by recent financial and social challenges. When so many people are having to face up to unprecedented levels of food and fuel poverty in and around West Everton, the Shewsy continues to provide a warm and safe environment for our Junior and Senior Club members. Each day, around 100 young people attend the Youth Club and the dedication and skill of our Play and Youth Workers continues to impact positively on their lives.
Club Members themselves are rising to these challenges by organising a Youth Council which will report in to the Board of Trustees, is already taking an active interest in fundraising for our programme of Residential Trips, will give a young person’s voice to the debates about knife crime and social injustice and will explore ways in which our members can make a positive contribution to the community in which they live.
This year, the first £40,000 of funds raised through online donations will be matched thanks to the generous support of our main pledger and the champion charity funds from The Reed Foundation. Then, we are looking to find an additional £20,000 from online donations to reach our target. This money will be used to meet the rising costs of the club’s operation, to pay for our staff and to develop their skills and to guarantee that we can deliver an expanding matrix of programmes to ensure that our members are ready for the world of work.
How To Give
The Shewsy is grateful to all of its many supporters who give during the year or who are one-off donors. If you wish to give to the Big Give and, for the main part, double the value of your donation, please head to
PLEASE REMEMBER that you can only give to the Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023 via the online donation platform during the dates that the campaign is open – November 28th to 5th December
(If you prefer to give a cash donation, please see either Carol of Jenny at the Shewsy who will facilitate this for you.)